Little Rock Allergy Doctor
Without proper treatment, allergies can greatly impact your life. That’s why our team is passionate about diagnosing and treating all forms of allergies, including food, pet, pollen, drug, mold, latex and insect allergies, in adults and children. Our Little Rock Allergy Center is led by fellowship-trained and board-certified allergist, Dr. Meredith Dilley. We offer care and management of a variety of allergy conditions including:
Allergy Patient Resources
When to see an Allergist?
If you're sneezing and sniffling your way through every day, it might be time to see an allergist. An allergist specializes in diagnosing and recommending treatment for many common allergic diseases, including asthma, allergic rhinitis, and dermatitis. Many everyday substances can trigger allergies, including dust, pollen, mold, chemicals, foods, medications, and much more. Furthermore, allergies can affect anyone at any time regardless of age, gender, or preexisting health conditions.
Here are some of the most common signs that it may be time to see an allergist:
You suffer from persistent head colds, runny nose, or cough.
You experience frequent itchy, watery eyes or sneezing (hay fever).
You have trouble catching your breath.
You cough or wheeze during or after exercise.
You have a persistent or recurrent itchy rash.
You have reactions immediately after eating particular foods.
You have had a severe reaction to an insect sting.
You have an allergy to penicillin or other medications.
You have swelling episodes of the lips, tongue, throat, or other areas.
You have experienced anaphylaxis due to any cause.
Your allergies seriously affect your day-to-day life.
Over-the-counter allergy medications don't provide any relief.
What is an Allergist?
An allergist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of allergies. If you have a history of allergies or have severe symptoms, your primary care provider can refer you to an allergist.
What to expect at your first Allergy Appointment:
At your first appointment, the allergist will ask about your medical history and symptoms. They may also perform a physical examination. Based on this information, they may order some tests.
What testing can an Allergist do?
The most common test for allergies is skin prick testing. This involves placing a small amount of allergen on the skin and then making a small scratch or prick on the surface. If you're allergic to the allergen, you'll develop a raised, itchy bump within 15 minutes.
Other tests that an allergist may order include blood tests and challenge tests. Blood tests can measure your immune system's response to allergens. Challenge tests involve exposing you to small amounts of allergens to see if they trigger a reaction.
If you're diagnosed with allergies, the allergist will work with you to create a treatment plan. This may involve avoiding triggers, taking medication, or getting allergy shots (immunotherapy). With treatment, it is possible to manage your allergies and enjoy life without letting them get in the way.
Meredith Dilley, MD, MPH
Our Location
10201 Kanis Road
Little Rock, AR 72205
Office: (501) 227-5050
Fax: (501) 227-5151